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Outsourcing levels and cloud use are set to increase amongst UK firms, though many businesses have admitted to harbouring fears over running a bimodel approach to IT.

According to new research from Computing, 27 per cent of UK businesses are looking to outsource more of their infrastructure management over the next three years, with 61 per cent saying they expect to keep it at the same level.

However the change was more significant when respondents (senior IT leaders at medium to large UK-based businesses) were asked what levels of cloud services they expect to use for managing infrastructure over the same period. Sixty-Four per cent said they expect to use more cloud, with 33 per cent expecting to use the same level.

As traditional businesses (ie. those not ‘born in the cloud’) run more services and systems in the cloud, many are forced to adopt a bimodal or ‘two-speed’ IT strategy, with core systems running at one pace in-house, and more agile solutions being consumed from the cloud, operating often at a much faster velocity.

Most firms admitted that this approach would be necessary for them, with 62 per cent stating that they are looking at a bimodel structure over the short to medium term.

The advantages of this strategy are well recognised, with 58 per cent of respondents seeing the main benefit as faster rollouts, 43 per cent selecting ‘reduced risk with deploying new technologies’, and 40 per cent seeing the strategy as a stepping stone to hybrid cloud.

Drawbacks were acknowledged too, with 47 per cent of the audience doubting that they had the skills and experience within their organisations to operate IT in a two-speed way, and 39 per cent stating that it makes management more difficult.